Former Primary School transformed to modern living space

Holmes Miller became aware of the potential to transform the former Lenzie Primary School into sought after living spaces when we were commissioned to design the new primary school at Moss Road.  Whilst the original building from 1886, was not suitable for a modern primary school, it is a beautiful buff sandstone building with attractive detailing, and contributed strongly to the Local Conservation Area.  Although not listed in itself, it acted as a minor landmark in the context of the surrounding houses.

The local Lenzie housing market requires flatted accommodation to release larger properties on to the market from downsizers who want to stay in Lenzie, but find with their changing lifestyles, that a smaller property with less maintenance suits their needs.  The Moncrieff View apartments at the old primary school provide the ideal move for purchasers who are looking for the ease and security of flatted living, whilst benefitting from all the character that the Victorian sandstone and original atrium entrance can provide. 

The apartments gathered around a light filled atrium are all maisonettes with a mezzanine dividing some of the space into two floors of bedrooms whilst the living room occupies the full original room height with elegant, tall windows and Victorian proportions.

A contemporary extension is located discreetly to the east of the existing building, finished in buff sandstone.  It is separated from the main building by a glass entrance lobby which acts as the main entrance to the full building.  This takes the visitor through to the new circulation core which includes a lift providing barrier free access to all flats in the development, with a through-car lift negotiating the complex geometries of new and old.

Follow link : The Scotsman newspaper article

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